How to generate Ethereum private key and address in local (offline) environment

Hideyoshi Moriya
1 min readMay 2, 2018
  • I used this way when I needed to generate multiple Ethereum private keys and addresses for development.
  • With ethereumjs-wallet, you can generate Ethereum private keys and addressed very easily.
  • You can run the code in your local (offline) environment, of course.

Install ethereumjs-wallet

$ npm install ethereumjs-wallet --save

Code example

var Wallet = require('ethereumjs-wallet');
const wallet = Wallet.generate();
console.log("privateKey: " + wallet.getPrivateKeyString());
console.log("address: " + wallet.getAddressString());

Run the code

You can run the code with the following command when you name the code above “app.js”.

$ node app.js



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